Cosmic Orchid
       curating integrative theatre
The Voire Dire Project 

Our signature production, The Voire Dire Project, is anchored in the process of Integrative Theatre.  It begins with ‘Art Inspiration Sessions’ – each creative team is introduced to the art.  No one can see the art or know anything about it ahead of time.  It is important that the process be as pure as possible.  It takes a certain kind of artist to engage in this process along with a hoard of other artists.  Nothing is in a vacuum.  We are a part of a whole.  You especially need to be ok with creative chaos, and at peace existing in the gray.  If that turns you on, you groove on the idea that no one is in this alone - it’s all coming through the ether.  Or put another way, it’s in you, but not of you.


Four theatrical teams each create a one-act play based on their collective interpretation. The resulting story, written by the playwright and developed with the actors and director, is based upon that collective interpretation. We ultimately integrate the visual artists' intention, within the framework of their creation, by including artists’ statements alongside their work, or as part of the performance.  We then discover, along with the audience, whether the artist’s intention is in stark contrast to, or mystical synergy with, that of the theatrical event it inspired. 


The tapestry is woven.  These are not simply four plays based on four artworks.  Ultimately, a common theme emerges – life, death, rebirth, transformation.  Four different stories inspired by four different artworks are ultimately anchored around a common manifestation of the core human condition.  How?


This is accomplished because of the wide net cast in terms of influence, inspiration and exploration. 

We explore the fundamental human condition through a metaphysical lens, in ways that transcend rational laws of nature - deconstructing space, time and identity within the narrative – exposing the malleable nature of the temporal world that we illusively perceive as fixed.  These stories are largely supported by, and conducive to, the unique medium of theatre.


Our audience is a diverse group.  Our performances are customarily attended by colleagues – theatre and visual artists – as well as patrons ranging from teens to seniors.  We engage seniors to reignite their passion for the arts.  The project also engages adolescents who may not normally take interest in these respective mediums individually but, by being presented collectively, their curiosity is piqued.  There is opportunity for dialogue about the project in the form of an Audience/Artist reception.  


We now live in a digital world where so much of our existence is integrated.  By exploring Integrative Theatre, the audience experience resonates with themes from their own integrated, often chaotic lives.  Where there is chaos, there is magic! 


Conversations of 'collective creativity' and 'blurring the lines of the respective mediums' continue after our audience has walked out the door.  Our professional goal in all performances is to nurture both artists and the audience.  The Voire Dire Project is not a static production that we promise to repeat once a season.  Rather, it is a living, developing creative thread which weaves through changes.  Each cycle builds upon the last – in metamorphic flow.

Truly, this was a great show, not to be missed!

 One of the best theatre experiences

 I have ever had!

- Christine Mizenko Marcello

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